Aluminium recycling furnace – successful commissioning in pandemic times
Kęty, Poland: the new KTO40 supplies the first liquid metal. Under boundary conditions that change weekly, the new 40t aluminium recycling furnace with thermal afterburning (TNV) and the downstream slag cooling plant SSK10 of the Bartz company were put into operation.
220,000 tons p.a. of recycling capacity “ready for production” in China
In summary 220,000 tons p.a. of recycling capacity for aluminium dross and scrap is now “ready for production” in China.
Aluminum recycling
Aluminum recycling: new feature for the Rotary-Tilting-Furnace of the KTO-series. Bartz company has developed an integrated thermal afterburning module for the KTO tilting drum furnace – the RTNV.
KTO Series, designed for Industry 4.0
CMRA Annual Convention 2019 in Ningbo (Zhejiang) China – Dr. Stefan Koppe from Bartz company introduce the Bartz KTO Series, designed for Industry 4.0, with the Autonomous Operating Remelting Furnace control.
Derzeit weltweit größter Kipptrommelofen geht in den Produktionsbetrieb
In Österreich wurde unserem Kunden AMAG Austria Metall AG der derzeit weltweit größte Kipptrommelofen vom Typ KTO40 erfolgreich der Produktion übergeben.
Bartz delivers presently largest tilting rotary furnace for processing of aluminum scrap
AMAG Austria Metall AG has assigned Bartz the turnkey delivery of a tilting rotary furnace with loading capacity of 40 tons. The exceptional dimensions of the assembly are groundbreaking.
First expansion state of smelting plant Eco Green commissioned
The first expansion state of the new Eco Green smelting works in Italy is operative. The new production was planned and equipped by Bartz according to latest state-of-the-art technologies. All plants are fully automated and network-controlled, in accordance with Industry 4.0 demands.
Neues Schmelzwerk in Italien
Von der Firma EcoGreen S.r.l. mit dem Standort in Villafranca di Verona (Italien) wurde die Firma Bartz mit der Planung und der Anlagenlieferung eines neuen Schmelzwerks beauftragt.
Münz Firmenlauf 2016
Am 24. Juni 2016 fällt der Startschuss zum jährlichen Münz-Firmenlauf und wir sind wie immer dabei….der Countdown läuft!
Neuartiger Tiegelverschlussstopfen
Intelligente Lösung zur Isolierung und Abdichtung von Transportbehälterdeckeln…